While the ASC strives to make its website as accessible as possible, the content here is many years old and online for archival and historical reasons. Unlike the rest of our website, it's not feasible to make it completely accessible. Please email us at webeditor@ascmag.com with any questions about this content, and for the latest American Cinematographer content, please visit ascmag.com.

ShowBiz Expo
JULY 2005 online articles

A Golden Ticket
Philippe Rousselot, ASC, AFC indulges his sweet tooth on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Production Slate
      Sally Potter’sYes

Post Focus
      Digital Intermediates in the Indie Price Range

DVD Playback
Reviews of current and upcoming DVD releases:
      White Heat

ASC Close-Up
Brief interviews with ASC members about their careers and inspirations. This month: Don McCuaig, ASC

Subscribe to American Cinematographer
The July print edition also includes:

  • War of the Worlds
  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith
  • The origins of Universal’s venerable studio site

Subscribe now for year-round coverage of cinematography technique and equipment delivered to your door.