ASC Crest

Board Criteria

Loyalty • Progress • Artistry

The Board is comprised of fifteen (15) Regular seats and five (5) Alternate seats. A member elected to a Regular seat will serve a term of three (3) years and may not be a candidate again until one year after their term expires. A member elected to an Alternate position will serve a one (1) year term but may run again immediately after their term expires.

In determining eligibility to serve on the Board of Governors, the committee will assure the candidate has served in any of the Society activities listed below:

1) They have been an active or retired member in good standing for a minimum of three years.

2) They are not in violation of term limits.

3) They have actively participated in any of the Society activities listed below.

• They have been an active member of a committee. Attendance at Membership Committee meetings is considered to meet this requirement.

• They have been an instructor or active ambassador of a Master Class.

• They have been a mentor in the ASC Vision Mentorship program.

• They have represented the Society on panels, Clubhouse Conversations, interviews, or at other public functions relating to cinematography.

• They have previously served on the Board of Governors as a governor or an alternate, or as an officer.

Elections Committee members will verify the statements given by potential candidates. They will contact staff and committee chairs in an organized and coordinated manner and make it as easy as possible for staff and committee chairs to confirm the potential candidates’ membership status and participation details. The participation standards will be applied uniformly to all candidates and in a manner that allows candidates to feel certain of their eligibility before submitting an Intent to Run form. The role of the Elections Committee is not to limit the number of candidates, to disqualify potential candidates because committee members dislike them or disagree with their positions, or to judge the quality of a candidate’s participation. The process must not be a means for an administration to keep dissenting voices out of the process, or to appear subjective, unpredictable, and arbitrary. The committee should simply verify that the minimum objectively stated eligibility requirements have been met.

For the 2024 - 2025 Term, we have five (5) Regular seats and five (5) Alternate seats open. The first five candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be elected as Regular Board members. The five individuals with the next highest number of votes will be elected as Alternate Board members. The term begins with the June 2024 Board meeting.

ASC Board Members terming out 2024

Steven Fierberg -2024
Lawrence Sher - 2024
Jonh Simmons - 2024
John Toll- 2024
Amy Vincent -2024


Dejan Georgevich
Denis Lenoir
Steven Poster
Mark Irwin
Chris Chomyn

ASC Board Members Continuing on the ASC Board

Patti Lee - 2025

Michael Goi - 2025

Shelly Johnson - 2025

Charlie Lieberman - 2025

Lowell Peterson - 2025

Patrick Cady - 2026

Karl Walter Lindenlaub - 2026

Charles Minsky - 2026

Eric Steelberg - 2026

Mandy Walker - 2026

Regular attendance at Board meetings is essential! Meetings are generally held in the evening of the first Monday of every month. Our By-Laws specify that a Board member shall be removed if they are absent from four (4) consecutive or six (6) non-consecutive Board meetings in a twelve-month period (June 2024 - June 2025). During the pandemic, we have been having board meetings via Zoom, allowing easy access to attend regardless of location.

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