The ASC Motion Imaging Technology Council

Influencing the advancement of motion imaging technologies.

MITC Strategic Planning
Steering Committee

Made up of the Chairs, Co-Chairs and/or Vice-Chairs of MITC Committees,Subcommittees and Working Groups.

Chair: Curtis Clark, ASC

Co-Chair: Michael Goi, ASC

Co-Chair: Wendy Aylsworth

Co-Chair: Jay Holben

Co-Chair: David Morin

Vice-Chair: David Reisner

Vice-Chair Emeritus: Steven Poster, ASC

Vice-Chair Emeritus: Richard Edlund, ASC

Camera Committee

Co-Chair: David Stump, ASC

Co-Chair: Bill Bennett, ASC

Co-Chair: Christopher Probst, ASC

Lens Committee

Chair: Jay Holben

Vice-Chair: Christopher Probst, ASC

Filter Classification System Working Group

Chair: Matthew Duclos

Camera Flange Standards Working Group

Chair: Matthew Duclos

Lighting Committee

Chair: Tim S. Kang

Vice-Chair: Jon Miller

Lighting Color Science Subcommittee

Chair: Tim S. Kang

Vice-Chair: Al DeMayo

Integrated Lighting Systems Working Group

Chair: Marcus Bengtsson

Lighting Education Subcommittee

Chair: Emily Stadulis

Vice-Chair: Nancy Murray

Motion Imaging Workflow Group

Chair: Greg Ciaccio
Vice-Chair: Josh Pines
Vice-Chair: Lou Levinson

Image Data Management Committee

Chair: Jesse Korosi

ASC MHL Working Group

Chair: Patrick Renner

ASC FDL Working Group

Chair: David Hall

ACES 2.0 Color Management Committee

Chair: Annie Chang

Image Displays

Imaging Devices (Projectors/Displays) Committee

Co-Chair: Mike Zink
Co-Chair: Gary Mandle
Co-Chair: Joaquim Zell

Standard Evaluation Material 2.0 (StEM2) Working Group

Chair: Jay Holben

Virtual Production Committee

Chair: David Morin

Vice-Chair: Michael Goi, ASC

Vice-Chair: Jay Holben

StEM3-VP Working Group

Chair: David Morin

Vice-Chair: Jay Holben

Vice-Chair: Wendy Aylsworth

ICVFX Display Technology Working Group

Chair: Jay Holben

Advanced Imaging Committee

Chair: Gary Demos

Vice-Chair: Bill Mandel

Vice-Chair: Pete Ludé

Vice-Chair: Joe Kane

Secretary: David Reisner

ASC MITC Artificial Intelligence Committee

Chair: Michael Goi, ASC

Co-Chair: Annie Chang

Vice-Chair: David Morin

AI Forum (members)

Chair: Michael Goi, ASC

FilmmakerVIS Working Group

Chair: Peter Postma

AI Newsletter

Editor: Jay Holben

Editor: Michael Goi, ASC