Elections Committee Criteria
Loyalty • Progress • Artistry
The Elections Committee has been formed for several purposes, and as it is brand new, this document will give you an overview of the Committee, who is eligible, how to run, and the Bylaw Amendment that created it. The current committee feels that its main mission is to encourage ANY qualified member to consider running for The Board of Governors.
The ASC is a thriving Society of excellent Artists. But that is not the only aspect that makes it work. We require individuals to give of their time and opinions as members of The Board of Governors. You can help decide where we should focus our energies, how we maintain a cash flow into the ASC, and how to keep the Society relevant. The Elections Committee exists to oversee and foster transparency and fairness in the election of the Board. If you are active within the ASC but not running, we may be contacting you to consider doing so. If we do, rest assured our only motivation is to create a diverse list of candidates that truly reflects our Society.
Who can serve on the Elections Committee?
Every year we will be looking to fill three positions on this committee. The term of service is 2 years, and ASC Members may serve two consecutive terms but then cannot serve for one year.
Any member in good standing who has been part of the Society for not less than 5 years (from the date of taking office) may be a part of the Committee.
Members of the Board and officers may not serve on the Elections Committee during their term, or for one year after the end of their term.
A member of the Elections Committee may not run for The Board of Governors. Any member running for the Board can not run at the same time for a seat on the Elections Committee
How do I run for the Elections Committee?
Please see the included Intent to Run form if you want to only run for the Elections Committee.
The Bylaw Amendment that created the Elections Committee:
Article II Section 4: Nominations
1) Elections Committee–An Elections Committee of 6 members shall be elected by the active and retired members.
2) Term of Office–The members of the Elections Committee shall serve 2-year staggered terms commencing June 1 of the year elected, and ending on May 31 the second year thereafter, or until their successors are elected.
3) Election of the Elections Committee–Three new Elections Committee members, to replace members with expiring terms, shall be elected by the membership in conjunction with the Board of Governors election each year. If a vacancy should occur for any reason, the remaining members of the committee will nominate an eligible and willing Active [or Retired] Member as a replacement and approve them to serve the remainder of the departed committee member’s term by a four-fifths vote.
4) Qualification & Eligibility
a) Any member in good standing may serve on the Elections Committee provided they have been a member for not less than 5 years at the date of taking office.
b) Any person may serve 2 consecutive terms on the Elections Committee, then may not serve again for one year.
c) Persons serving on the Elections Committee are not eligible to be candidates for the Board.
d) Members of the Board and officers may not serve on the Elections Committee during their term, or for one year after the end of their term.
e) Any member running for the Board can not run at the same time for a seat on the Elections Committee.
5) Duties and Report
a) The Elections Committee shall seek nominations from members and ensure there are sufficient candidates to fill all expired seats on the Board of Governors and Elections Committee, in compliance with the Policy on Nominations.
b) The Committee shall report to the Board of Governors and members not later than March 15 each year
c) The report shall include all nominated candidates who are eligible and have given consent to serve.
d) Each year the committee will select a Chair from among their members.
e) If a member of the Election Committee resigns they may not run for the BoG until their original Election Committee term expires.
6) (Proviso) Procedure for Initial Committee Formation–All six members of the first Elections Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors no later than the December
Board of Governors meeting of the year this bylaw is adopted. The appointed members shall draw lots to be assigned to one, or two years terms to set up the staggered term rotation.
A partial term served under this paragraph shall not be considered with regard to the term limit in paragraph 4 of this section. This paragraph will be struck two years after the first appointment of the committee.
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