IMAGO-ASC Joint Photo Exhibition to be Must-See at Camerimage
A selection of 40 images taken by ASC members will be on display in Bydgoszcz, Poland, starting on Nov. 12.

To help celebrate the 25th anniversaries of the Camerimage International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography and IMAGO — the Federation of European Cinematographers — a selection of images taken by members of IMAGO and the ASC will be showcased during the upcoming festival, held November 11-18 in Bydgoszcz, Poland. The joint IMAGO-ASC show, staged at the Municipal Gallery bwa, will officially open with a gala celebration on November 12.
The show is entitled “Framing the World.”

As noted on the IMAGO website:
Both Camerimage and IMAGO celebrates our 25th anniversary in 2017, and IMAGO wishes to focus on the visual artistic eye of cinematographer members from around the world during Camerimage. Creating images is the art and profession of cinematographers, many cinematographers are also creators of great still images, and we believe the public will take interest in seeing how cinematographers work with visual artistry in artistic composition, visual motifs, contrast, color or black-and-white when it comes to still images.
After the exhibition at Camerimage, the photographs from IMAGO members will be auctioned and the income donated to a Polish children’s charity. (Catalog here and bidding here.)

About half of the 40 images requested for the ASC’s portion of the show will be taken from the Society’s “Heritage Collection,” an archive of some 170 photographs that includes work by members Russell Carpenter, Ron Dexter, Stephen Goldblatt, Conrad Hall, George Koblasa, Edward Lachman, Isidore Mankofsky, Phedon Papamichael, Owen Roizman, Sandi Sissel, Vittorio Storaro, Haskell Wexler and Vilmos Zsigmond, among many others.
ASC members Suki Medencevic and Jacek Laskus will then curate more recent works to round out the set to be on display at Camerimage.
A selection of the ASC’s Heritage Collection photographs have been on display at three rental and postproduction facilities located in the greater Los Angeles area: EFILM, FotoKem and Alternative Rentals. Others are held permanently at the ASC Clubhouse.
To aid in selecting images from the Heritage Collection, Charlie Lieberman, ASC created a new reference/catalog system for all entries and made museum-quality digital duplicates of each. He was assisted in this effort by David Darby, ASC. Lieberman will make new prints of all 40 ASC images once they have been selected for the Camerimage show.
All Cameraimage attendees should make time to experience the joint IMAGO/ASC exhibition — certainly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view great, diverse work in a single location.
Below is a selection of the images in the ASC's Heritage Collection:
Vilmos Zsigmond

Haskell Wexler

Vittorio Storaro

John Simmons

Owen Roizman

Phedon Papamichael

Sol Negrin

Isidore Mankofsky

Denis Lenoir

George Koblasa

Francis Kenny

Michael Goi

Roger Deakins

Richard Crudo

Russell Carpenter