Clear-Com Aids Distanced Productions
Hands-free communications systems by Clear-Com can be deployed on location, complete with DC backup, in minutes.
Full-duplex communications systems were once used primarily by camera operators and cinematographers, but with the new norms of socially distanced and zoned media production necessitated by Covid-19 (outlined in the June 2020 industry safety guide “The Safe Way Forward”), more people are working remotely or at a greater distance than ever before.
Hands-free systems by Clear-Com are user-friendly, lightweight and portable and can be quickly deployed on locations, complete with DC backup, in minutes. Clear-Com’s solutions can be configured for both point-to-point and partyline communication and integrate with two-way radios, and they include the Agent-IC mobile-app option for remote team members.
The DX410 wireless headset is a two-channel wireless intercom system featuring wideband audio technology, two-wire and four-wire bridging, and two-wire auto-nulling for fast integration with Clear-Com or TW wired partyline systems. The high-definition 7kHz wideband audio technology expands audio range and increases intelligibility in high-RF environments so even soft whispers can be heard clearly.
The LQ Series are IP interface solutions that can integrate any audio stream into the intercom system, including two-way radios, telephones and the Agent-IC mobile app. Users can network geographically dispersed audio and communications devices of any brand or technology type over secure LAN, WAN or even the public Internet. LQ Series can also be used to scale a traditional intercom for system expansion and enhance communication with IP capabilities with SIP telephony and mobile apps.
FreeSpeak II is a five-channel, full-duplex, wireless intercom solution ideal for large-scale, complex designs or specialized applications. Available for use in both 1.9 GHz and 2.4 GHz bands, FreeSpeak II offers ease of use, high-quality audio and the freedom to move around uninhibited by wires.
Clear-Com’s Agent-IC mobile app operates on iOS or Android devices over 3G, 4G, LTE and WiFi networks. Featuring low latency and high audio quality, Agent-IC allows team members to connect to the main intercom system using their existing devices regardless of their locations. Agent-IC complements traditional intercom systems such as the Eclipse HX digital matrix, the Encore analog partyline and the HelixNet digital partyline. (A free trial version of Agent-IC can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes Store or Google Playstore.)
Clear-Com also offers a range of professional headsets designed for comfort and durability. Because headsets are a high-touch item, Clear-Com makes Refresh Kits for Headset Sanitization for its most popular headset models.
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