
August 2014 |

Twin Peaks Pilot (1990) / Ron Garcia, ASC

Cinematographer Ron Garcia, ASC recalls shooting the Twin Peaks pilot for director David Lynch. He discusses why he was an unlikely choice for the project, how he coaxed the desired warm tones out of his Fuji negative, and the importance of working with a great gaffer....more

June 2014 |

The Girl and Death / Goert Giltay, NSC, and Jos Stelling

Cinematographer Goert Giltay, NSC, and director Jos Stelling join AC’s Iain Marcks on a Skype call from the Netherlands to discuss their approach to the drama The Girl and Death. The longtime collaborators cover the choice of shooting digitally with an Arri Alexa, how they achieved the expressionistic visuals, and the flexible lighting approach that was necessitated by the actors’ availability....more

May 2014 |

Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Trent Opaloch

Cinematographer Trent Opaloch discusses his work on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, describing in detail the nuts and bolts of lighting, managing and scheduling this mammoth production, as well as how his work on District 9 and Elysium influenced this film....more