Henner H. Hofmann, ASC, AMC Honored by Society in Mexico
He was presented with the first ever Certificate of Recognition from the ASC, for his contributions to education in cinematography.

On July 13, Henner H. Hofmann, ASC, AMC was presented with the first ever Certificate of Recognition from the ASC for his contribution to education in cinematography. The award was bestowed upon him personally by ASC President Kees von Oostrum during the La Gran Expo Cine Video Televisión trade show in Mexico City. The informal presentation dinner was also attended by James L. Neihouse, ASC and American Cinematographer circulation director Saul Molina, among others.
A founding member of the Mexican Society of Cinematographers, Hofmann is a member of the Technicians and Cinematographic Production Guild, the Mexican Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Science, and the Screen Writers' Guild in Mexico City. Since 2008, he has been headmaster at the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica film school (El CCC), where he has not only shared his wealth of knowledge, but hosted many ASC members as guest lecturers.

"In addition to being a fine cinematographer himself, Henner has a long history of service that he has performed on behalf of the ASC," says ASC President Kees van Oostrum. "He helped establish our entire relationship with Latin America with various education and outreach programs over the past 15 years. And this culminated in his program at the Centro de Capacitacoión Cinematográfica, where he has brought many ASC members to speak to his students. He's done an outstanding job of elevating this school, making it an exceptional institution and furthering the art of cinematography. This award is just a small token of appreciate from the ASC for everything he has done.
"The award was a complete surprise to Henner, and it was touching to see how appreciative he was. And we also hope that this is in some way an indication to all filmmakers in Latin America that the ASC recognizes everything they are doing and how they are contributing to the global art of cinematography.
"It's amazing when you look at all the talent that has come out of Latin America, and Henner has taught or mentored many of them. Emmanuel Lubezki [ASC, AMC] is just one great example, and Henner was his teacher. Many aspiring cinematographers met Henner at an early age and he helped them follow their inspiration."
With a laugh, van Oostrum adds, "When I walked around the La Gran Expo Cine Video Televisión trade show floor with Henner, everybody knows him. He's like a father and mentor to so many people. And not just in Mexico — throughout Latin America. That's what the ASC wanted to honor with this first Certificate of Recognition award."