
In Mexico City, ASC Members To Discuss Past, Present, Future of Cinematography 

ASC members Henner Hoffman, Antonio Riestra and James Neihouse will take part in event programming at Telemundo Cine Expo (June 26-28).

ASC Staff

The annual Telemundo Cine Expo takes place June 26-28 in Mexico City and ASC members Henner HoffmanAntonio Riestra and James Neihouse will take part in portions of the event programming.

One of the best opportunities for Telemundo Cine Expo attendees to get up to date on the state of the cinematographic arts will be the panel presentation “ASC 100th Anniversary: Full Circle — Past, Present, and Future of Cinematography.”

As described in the event programming:

The “Past, Present and Future” panel will discuss how the ASC is particularly relevant today as a source of information, inspiration and networking for today’s emerging global community of cinematographers. The rapidly increasing level of technological advances and options facing the cinematographer today are more challenging than ever and cinematic tech promises to increase exponentially in the years to come. New innovations include all aspects of image capture, lighting and post processing. To address the avalanche of new possibilities, where can DPs turn for an objective analysis and real world advice from experienced, dedicated professionals?  The ASC is this resource. Through the greatest assembly of cinematographers in the world, the ASC teaches international classes (the ASC Master Class program) and collaborates with every other professional group of cinematographers in the world.

This collective pool of creative and technical knowledge makes the ASC an invaluable resource to anyone who is professionally involved in cinematography and creating visual stories. 

From a historical context, cinematography is a relatively new art when compared to painting and sculpture and music.  As such, it is going through a technical renaissance which is quickly branching into multiple cinematic genres such as “dramatic,” “mobile,” “high speed,” “macro,” “volumetric,” “virtual” and even “computational” cinematography. All these areas will be discussed. The discussion will also follow the title of “Full Circle” of Past, Present and Future of Cinematography — or how we can best preserve the historical foundation and creative aesthetic of the world’s best cinematographers, while embracing the amazing array of new cinematic tools available today in an effort to “future proof” the cinematography of tomorrow.

This event takes place on June 26, at 12:00 pm - 1:00pm at the WTC Mexico, Salon Tarasco. You can register here.

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