The ASC Clubhouse. (Photo by Charlie Lieberman, ASC)

In Support of BSC’s Open Letter to Camerimage

“Respecting and recognizing the broad spectrum of work and equal voice of ALL visual artists manifests in a global understanding for our art form.”

ASC Staff

The ASC believes that the art of cinematography progresses through the personal insight of all people who tell visual stories. Respecting and recognizing the broad spectrum of work and equal voice of ALL visual artists manifests in a global understanding for our art form. With that, the ASC wholly supports the BSC's sentiments expressed in their open letter to Camerimage.

(Complete text of letter follows below.)

An Open Letter to Marek Żydowicz of the EnergaCAMERIMAGE Film Festival

Dear Mr Żydowicz,

The British Society of Cinematographers wishes to express its disapproval of your recent article in the latest edition of Cinematography World magazine. We are disheartened and angered by your profoundly misogynistic comments and aggressive tone, which we view as symptomatic of a deep-rooted prejudice. A film festival dedicated to the support and encouragement of cinematography and its practitioners deserves better.

If EnergaCAMERIMAGE wishes to remain a worldwide Cinematography festival, it must accept the responsibility to search for and promote the incredible talent that exists worldwide – especially from those groups that have traditionally been underrepresented.

The world of cinematography and the images we create are vibrant and diverse, however, it is abundantly clear it hasn’t always been a welcome place for diverse voices. Female cinematographers are one such diverse voice, long denied a seat at the table, and the filmmaking community is rightly seeking positive action to address decades of under-representation.

Sadly, your article represents an outdated notion of male superiority in the field and equates fairer gender representation with a drop in artistic values. In the article “Time for Solidarity”, you comment “Can we sacrifice works and artists with outstanding artistic achievements solely to make room for mediocre productions?”. Conflating female cinematography with mediocrity is deeply sexist and is a sad illustration of a personal misogynistic viewpoint.

Earlier this year the BSC and its members supported the “Women in Cinematography” petition to ensure better representation at the EnergaCAMERIMAGE festival. There was optimism that this edition’s 'Year of the Brave Women' theme would bring about revisions to the festival that many of us see as long overdue. Your article, and the comments made within it, are deeply patronising to this incredible group of women and the work they are doing to change the perceptions of people like yourself.

Your remarks have damaged the reputation of your festival, and we urge you to reflect on what you have both said and suggested, and to make a clear plan for how EnergaCAMERIMAGE will address the continuing under-representation of female Cinematographers and filmmakers.

The BSC stands by its female Cinematographers and Camera Operators; we stand by Women in Cinematography; and we stand by the wider community of filmmaking in opposition to your statements.

British Society of Cinematographers

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