Jo Willems, ASC, SBC Curates ASC’s Instagram
Belgian cinematographer best known for his work in Hunger Games films will offer his insight and experiences through November.

Following a great run through October by Anastas N. Michos, ASC, GSC, the Society’s Instagram account is now being curated by Jo Willems, ASC, SBC for the month of November.
“It’s been fun hosting this forum,” noted Michos (@anastasmichos) in his last post. “Known for his work on the Hunger Games series, I look forward to [Jo’s] insight on the process. See you at the movies...”
In the first post of his month-long tenure, Willems (@jowillems_asc_sbc) wrote, “Thanks @anastasmichos for handing over the torch. I am a recent member of the ASC and look forward to sharing some of my work, insights, joys and not to forget some of the hurdles you encounter on the job. I will also take the opportunity to pay tribute to the people that have inspired me over the years but also the people that have helped me along the way in making the image happen, some of whom have become close friends.”
A native of Belgium who got his start in the U.K. with music video and commercial work, Willems’ credits include the features Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Hunger Games: Mockingjay and Limitless, the series American Gods and the upcoming thriller Red Sparrow.
Willems was invited to join the ASC in 2015 and started his curation with discussion about his 2005 feature debut, the thriller Hard Candy.
This rotating stewardship of the ASC’s Instagram — which now has an audience of 108,000 followers — is coordinated by Eric Steelberg, ASC, who finds a new volunteer curator each month to discuss their work, creative process and inspirations.
You can follow Willems’ month-long ASC Instagram journey right here.