Suki Medencevic, ASC Opens Gallery Exhibit of Still Photography
A selection of images by the award-winning cinematographer has premiered at The Perfect Exposure Gallery in Los Angeles.
Entitled “Windows to the World, Windows to the Soul,” a selection of still images by award-winning cinematographer Suki Medencevic, ASC has premiered at The Perfect Exposure Gallery in Los Angeles.
As the gallery describes, “Working as a cinematographer in the narrative world of film, television and documentaries, his dedication to the story told by the light, composition and camera movement is always deeply rooted in his still photography. His filmmaker's eyes are always actively looking for the moments in life that when captured as a still image can communicate in one frame the same idea as if it were a part of the film scene. In the same manner, he is fascinated by the interaction of light and texture, geometry and people, which sometimes creates a beautiful harmony or sometimes collides in a dramatic way.”

“This exhibit means a lot to me,” Medencevic said. “Seeing my images beautifully printed and presented in the gallery gives them a whole different dimension. I’m very excited to present them the right way.”
The cinematographer also thanked Alternative Rentals for their sponsorship of the project

A native of Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Medencevic has been a member of the ASC since 2010. He notes on his personal site, “While in high school I became interested in still photography but my real involvement in film started when I was accepted at The National Film School for Dramatic Arts, FDU, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. I continued my education at the renowned National Film School (FAMU), Prague, Czech Republic, where I earned my Master’s Degree with Honors in cinematography. Shortly thereafter, I came to the USA to continue my professional career.”
His credits include the series American Horror Story, Jonas and Stuck in the Middle, and high-profile documentaries on Industrial Light & Magic, Pixar and Walt Disney's Imagineering artists.
Following the opening night reception at The Perfect Exposure Gallery on August 10, Medencevic’s show will be open to the public there until September 9, 2017.
More of his stills work can be found here.