
Suschitzky Publishes Naked Reflections

Rachael Bosley

Naked Reflections
The book’s cover.

Peter Suschitzky, ASC, has published a collection of photography called Naked Reflections, the culmination of a seven-year project.

Focusing mainly on female nudes, the book features a foreword by director David Cronenberg, one of Suschitzky's longtime collaborators. 

Their films together include Dead Ringers, Naked Lunch, Maps to the StarsCosmopolisA History of Violence, Eastern Promises, A Dangerous Method and Crash. 

Suschitzky was also the cinematographer on Mars Attacks, Star Wars — The Empire Strikes Back and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, among many other films.

The book is available through Schilt Publishing in Amsterdam and on Amazon.


ASC Close-Up: Peter Suschitzky

The cinematographer and one of his models.

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