American Cinematographer interviews cinematographers, directors and other filmmakers to take you behind the scenes on major studio movies, independent films and popular television series.
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Episode 51
Riddick / David Eggby, ACS
Riddick cinematographer David Eggby, ACS on returning to the Pitch Black franchise and reuniting with director David Twohy to create a gritty, side-lit and contrasty atmosphere on a film with budget issues.
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Episode 50
The Conjuring / John R. Leonetti, ASC
American Cinematographer’s Jim Hemphill talks with The Conjuring cinematographer John R. Leonetti, ASC about creating an ultra-realistic feeling by shooting the set as is it were a location they did not pull walls and used practical lighting as much as possible. He also discusses how their frequent use of a wide angle lens enhanced the audience's feeling of tension and unease.
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Episode 48
Pain and Gain / Ben Seresin, ASC, BSC
Pain and Gain cinematographer Ben Seresin, ASC, BSC discusses working with director Michael Bay — they often shot 60-90 setups a day and used over 20 different cameras for various effects.
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Episode 47
Between Us / Nancy Schreiber, ASC, and Dan Mirvish
American Cinematographer's Jim Hemphill talks with Between Us cinematographer Nancy Schreiber, ASC and writer/director Dan Mirvish about the challenges of shooting this polished drama with a micro budget and many volunteer crew members.
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Episode 45
Jobs / Russell Carpenter, ASC and Joshua Michael Stern
Russell Carpenter, ASC and director Joshua Michael Stern about creating three distinct looks, on a tight budget, for each time period in this indie biopic about Apple founder Steve Jobs.
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Episode 43
Deadfall / Shane Hurlbut, ASC
American Cinematographer's Jim Hemphill talks with Shane Hurlbut, ASC about Deadfall and his choice of mixing film capture with additional DSLR cameras, the effects of combining formats on workflow, and how he selects the best equipment for each film.
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Episode 42
Life of Pi / Claudio Miranda, ASC
Claudio Miranda, ASC discusses his work on Ang Lee's Life of Pi, discussing the unique challenges of shooting digital 3D on this film — set mostly on the open ocean — and how they kept it visually engaging.
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Episode 40
Coma / Mikael Salomon, ASC and Ben Nott, ACS
Director Mikael Salomon, ASC and cinematographer Ben Nott, ACS speak with American Cinematographer's Jim Hemphill about the A&E Miniseries Coma: how former cinematographer Salomon approaches directing, and how they got the most out of a tiny budget.
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Episode 39
The Imposter / Bart Layton and Erik Wilson
American Cinematographer's Jim Hemphill talks with director Bart Layton and cinematographer Erik Wilson about the art of creating dramatic, cinematic reenactments in the context of a documentary as well as having two different cinematographers on the film
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Episode 38
In the Family / Frank Barrera
Cinematographer Frank Barrera discusses his collaboration with actor and first-time director Patrick Wang to create a restrained and effective look for this Indie film, as well as their visual influences.
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