Tiffen Introduces Fusion Filters
The filters combine Black Pro-Mist or Glimmerglass diffusion effects with variable ND or circular polarizers.
The Tiffen Co. has introduced Fusion Filters, which combine Tiffen diffusion effects with variable-ND and circular-polarizer technology.
The filters offer the ability to combine Black Pro-Mist or Glimmerglass with VND or CPL, eliminating the need to stack filters to achieve the same effects.
Fusion Filters come in two densities each and multiple sizes. The Black Pro-Mist + VND (1/4 or 1) and Glimmerglass + VND (1/2 or 2) are both available in 58mm, 67mm, 77mm and 82mm sizes. The Black Pro-Mist + CPL (1/4 or 1) and Glimmerglass + CPL (1/2 or 2) are available in 49mm, 52mm, 55mm, 58mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm, 77mm and 82mm. Other sizes may be available on request.
All Fusion Filters are compatible with step-up/step-down rings.
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