Zhiyun Announces AI Tracker for Smartphone Gimbals
The AI module can be installed on Smooth 5S AI and Cinepeer CQ5 smartphone stabilizers.
Zhiyun has announced an AI tracker for its smartphone gimbals.
The capability allows a smart Zhiyun gimbal to keep a subject in view and respond instantly to user directions. The AI module can be quickly installed onto the Smooth 5S AI and Cinepeer CQ5 smartphone stabilizers. It contains its own independent camera and does not require the use of an app. The system also enables user control of the gimbal and camera through simple hand gestures. For example, an “OK” signal (circled thumb and forefinger) tells the gimbal and camera to track the user. A raised palm tells it to stop tracking. The tracker can be rotated 180 degrees to provide either front camera or rear camera following.
The Zhiyun AI Module lists for $69.
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