Cine Gear Expo 2024 Rewind
The annual trade show offered great opportunities for the public to meet and learn from ASC cinematographers.
Photos by Danyael M. Alcaraz for the ASC
Members of the American Society of Cinematographer participated in a range of events held during Cine Gear Expo, held June 7-9 at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, Calif., coordinated with Expo organizers and exhibitors, manufacturers, and service providers. Here’s a breakbown of some key events:
Roger Deakins, ASC, BSC and his wife and close collaborator James arrived at the Society’s booth for a two-hour event celebrating his photography book Byways.
A long line quickly formed of Expo attendees waiting to have their copy signed by the creative duo, ask for sage career advice and get a selfie. After spending an additional hour at the ASC’s space, casually chatting with attendees and other Society members, “Team Deakins” autographed another 100 copies of Byways
for special public offer in the ASC Store. (They sold out quickly.)

Also in demand were authors Christopher Probst, ASC and Society associate member Jay Holben, who were at the ASC booth to autograph copies of The Cine Lens Manual, their essential reference book on optics.
It was standing room only in the Steven J. Ross Theatre at as 513 passionate moviemakers filled the room for the annual audience Q&A session “Dialogue with ASC Cinematographers.” Moderator George Mooradian, ASC welcomed a stellar panel of Society members: Alice Brooks, Adam Bricker, Edu Grau, Jeff Jur, Sam McCurdy, Nancy Schreiber, and Sandra Valde-Hansen.
Honoring the Society member who long hosted “Dialogue” events and the co- founder of Cine Gear, both recently departed, Mooradian and the panel members raised a glass. “We began by toasting, blessing, George Spiro Dibie, ASC and Karl Kresser with [Cine Gear Expo co-founder and chief executive and director] Juliane Grosso and Karl’s wine,” Mooradian said. The Grosso Kresser Vineyard is located in Paso Robles, Calif.
“We had a 90-minute time slot, and we easily could have tripled the time. We had a long line still wanting to ask questions,” Mooradian noted afterward.

The ASC was well represented at the Cine Gear Expo Awards, which honors outstanding members of the motion-picture community:
Roger Deakins, ASC, BSC - Legacy Lifetime Achievement Awards
Rodrigo Prieto, ASC, AMC - Visionary Award
Patty Armacost - Karl Kresser Friendship Award
Team Deakins Podcast - Industry Innovator Award
Team Deakins was honored for their exceptional discussion series, which delivers high-level creative conversations with top filmmakers.

Armacost, the Society’s longtime events coordinator, is a driving force behind the ASC Awards and an honorary member. She was presented by past ASC President Richard Crudo.

A live episode of the ASC Clubhouse Conversations discussion series was recorded at the Fred Astaire Theatre, as interviewer Adam Bricker, ASC spoke with Sam McCurdy, ASC, BSC about his camerawork in the historical series Shōgun. (Sponsored by Sony, the complete episode can be viewed on the ASC website.)

AbelCine, in partnership with Arri, the ASC and Goldcrest, presented the panel “Fresh Perspectives in Cinematography.” This included mentee grant winners who spoke with of their experiences in the annual mentorship program orchestrated by the ASC Vision Committee, which pairs rising talents worldwide with Society members, helping them pass on knowledge to the next generation of cinematographers, particularly underrepresented groups who might benefit most. The grants included access to production gear and post services.

Here are some photos from a few of the other events that took place: