American Cinematographer interviews cinematographers, directors and other filmmakers to take you behind the scenes on major studio movies, independent films and popular television series.
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Episode 98
Hellboy (2019) / Lorenzo Senatore, ASC, AIC
Lorenzo Senatore, ASC, AIC discuss his work in the comic book adaptation directed by Neil Marshall.
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Episode 97
Stranger Things / Tim Ives, ASC
The cinematographer discusses his work in the Netflix science-fiction horror series, for which he has earned two Emmy Award nominations for his camerawork.
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Episode 93
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel / M. David Mullen, ASC
The cinematographer discusses his work in the comedic romantic-drama Amazon series, for which he has earned ASC Award and Emmy nominations for his expert photography.
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Episode 92
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer / Charlie Lieberman, ASC
The cinematographer discusses his work in the disturbing 1990 suspense-horror classic, which was his first feature assignment as a young filmmaker working in Chicago.
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