James L. Neihouse, ASC Documents Frosty NASA Study
The cinematographer and NASA scientists photograph Black Brant IX sounding rockets being shot up into the upper atmosphere in -32°F weather

Shooting with NASA scientists at the Geophysical Institute Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska, James L. Neihouse, ASC and company toiled in -32°F weather with their Arri Alexa, Canon EOS C700 and Canon ME20F-SH cameras to photograph Black Brant IX sounding rockets being shot up into the upper atmosphere. The effort was part of a study of aurora borealis phenomena and its interaction with the solar wind.

The study involved was the Ionospheric Structuring: In Situ and Groundbased Low Altitude StudieS (ISINGLASS) mission. Neihouse's footage will be part of an upcoming project entitled Bifrost: Into The Aurora,a limited series documentary as well as a large-format film.