
My ASC Master Class: Nathaniel Bockley 

Program participants discuss the impact of attending this intensive five-day program in the art and science of cinematography.

ASC Staff

Program participants discuss the impact of attending this intensive five-day program in the art and science of cinematography.

Photos by Nick Mahar

Nathaniel Bockley at the ASC Clubhouse during his Master Class session, held June 18–22, 2018.

“Before taking the ASC Master Class, I was doing corporate work, some commercial work and documentary work, and then on the side I was shooting short films. I came here to see what work is like at the highest level and see what it takes to get to that level. I also came to hear all the tips and tricks straight from the ASC members’ mouths and to meet with them and talk with them and pick their brains.

“What I hoped to get out of the Master Class was really more confidence in my ability as a cinematographer. And I think I accomplished that. I’m more familiar with the overall workflow, structure, politics and handling of different situations. I feel like I’m better prepared to shoot my next project.

“What I can use from this week going forward for future work is more confidence in the pre-production side of things and the confidence of knowing when I go into a meeting with a director or a producer that I can tell them how long a project will take, what kind of equipment we’ll need and what kind of problems might come up. When I sit down for my next interview, I’ll be able to apply some of the things I’ve learned here.” — Nathaniel Bockley

Bockley (back center in light blue shirt) stands with his assembled June session class and ASC instructor Ueli Steiger (center in dark blue shirt) and ASC ambassador Steven Shaw (three rows behind Steiger).

You’ll find Bockley’s personal site here

Click here for complete course details for the ASC Master Class sessions coming up on September 17–21 and October 22–26. Register now here.

Bockley was presented with his completion certificate at the Clubhouse by ASC instructors Stephen H. Burum and Steiger.

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