Stype Announces StypeLand, RedSpy 4.0
The StypeLand plugin for Unreal Engine is available in two modules, one for blue- and greenscreen studios and the other for LED volumes.
Stype has introduced the StypeLand plugin for Unreal Engine and v4 of the RedSpy camera-tracking system.
The StypeLand plugin enhances Unreal Engine capabilities for professional broadcast and filmmaking applications. It comes in two modules: StypeLand and StypeLand XR.
StypeLand is tailored for use in green- and bluescreen studios and streamlines the integration of UE virtual environments with live footage. StypeLand XR is designed for use with LED volumes. It facilitates the mapping of UE virtual environments onto LED panels, enabling set extensions through Stype’s tracking and color correction. This module employs advanced algorithms to calibrate color across LED panels regardless of their physical arrangement in the studio.
Both StypeLand modules utilize a centralized OneController, simplifying the management of multiple StypeLand engines. This controller is accessible from desktops, tablets, smartphones and stream decks.
Powered by custom hardware and algorithms, the RedSpy camera-tracking system integrates three sensors: an infrared camera, accelerometer and gyroscope. The IR camera detects floor or ceiling markers, while the accelerometer and gyroscope interpret shaking and sudden movements to ensure stable tracking.
RedSpy works indoors and outdoors, offers wireless connectivity, and delivers precise positions in FBX and XML formats complete with LTC timecode, ensuring seamless integration with such render engines as Unreal Engine, Maya, 3ds Max, Cinema4D and Blender.
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