International Cinematography Summit Held at ASC Clubhouse
The International Cinematography Summit offered a unique opportunity for motion picture professionals to discuss and demonstrate ideas.
For this unique four-day event, the ASC invited peers from around the world to meet in Los Angeles, where they would discuss professional and technological issues and help define how cinematographers can maintain the quality and artistic integrity of the images they create.

On the morning of June 6, the ASC Clubhouse was readied for the opening of the International Cinematography Summit (ICS), which brought together representatives from cinematography societies from around the world to share their knowledge and experience.
Following opening remarks — from ASC President Richard Crudo; International Committee chair (and event coordinator) Frederic Goodich, ASC; Michael Goi, ASC, ICS and Kees Van Oostrum, ASC — the ambitious ICS program began with opening statements from the collected representatives.

While the ICS was not open to the general public, we have prepared a 10-part series of reports on the program and its unique events:
ICS 2016 - Part I: The Future of the Cinematographer
ICS 2016 - Part II: Who Is the Author of An Image?
ICS 2016 - Part III: A Model of Collaboration in The Revenant
ICS 2016 – Part IV: The Continuing Relevance of Film
ICS 2016 – Part V: Cinematography In Virtual Reality
ICS 2016 – Part VI: Safety, Leadership and Opportunity
ICS 2016 – Part VII: A Model of Collaboration in The Jungle Book
ICS 2016 – Part VIII: ACES At the Academy
ICS 2016 – Part IX: Panavision and How Optics Influence the Aesthetic
ICS 2016 - Part X: Reflections On the Event
Cinematographers who participated in
the ICS included:
Richard Andry, AFC (France)
Mehmet Askin, CAT (Turkey)
Predrag Bambic, SAS (Serbia)
Affonso Beato, ASC, ABC (U.S./Brazil)
Bill Bennett, ASC (U.S.)
Richard Bluck, NZCS (New Zealand)
Oliver Bokelberg, ASC, BVK (U.S./Germany)
Natasha Braier, ADF (Argentina)
David Burr, ACS (Australia)
Federico Cantini, ADF (Argentina)
Louis-Philipe Capelle, SBC (Belgium)
León Chiprout, AMC (Mexico)
Curtis Clark, ASC (U.S.)
Rolf Coulanges, BVK (Germany)
Richard Crudo, ASC (U.S.)
James Chressanthis, ASC, GSC (U.S./Greece)
Yiannis Daskalothanasis, GSC (Greece)
Angarag Davaasuren, MSC (Mongolia)
Mu Deyuan, CSC (China)
Carlos Diazmuñoz, AMC (Mexico)
Rob Draper, ACS (Australia)
Nathalie Durand, AFC (France)
Lauro Escorel, ABC (Brazil)
Eduardo Fierro, SVC (Venezuela)
Edvard Friis-Møller, DFF (Denmark)
Mohd Filus Ghazali, MySC (Maylasia)
Michael Goi, ASC, ICS (U.S./India)
Fred Goodich, ASC (U.S.)
Timo Heinänen, FSC (Finland)
Christian Herrera, CRSC (Costa Rica)
Tahvo Hirvonen, FSC (Finland)
Cheong Yuk Hoy, MySC (Maylasia)
Casper Høyberg, DFF (Denmark)
Ron Johanson, ACS (Australia)
Nina Kellgren, BSC (Britain)
Jacek Laskus, ASC, PSC (U.S./Poland)
Anssi Leino, FSC (Finland)
Pascal Lebegue, AFC (France)
Rob Legato, ASC (U.S.)
Denis Lenoir, ASC, AFC (U.S./France)
Alex Linden, FSF (Sweden)
Elen Lotman, ESC (Estonia)
Emmanuel Lubezki, ASC, AMC (U.S./Mexico)
Roberto Mancia, SVSC (El Salvador)
Stephanie Martin, ADF (Argentina)
Ricardo Matamoros, SVC (Venezuela)
Suki Medencevic, SAS (Serbia)
M. David Mullen, ASC (U.S.)
Guillermo Navarro, ASC, AMC (U.S./Mexico)
James Neihouse, ASC (U.S.)
Anders Holck Petersen, DFF (Denmark)
Bill Pope, ASC (U.S.)
Claire Pijman, NSC (Netherlands)
Steven Poster, ASC (U.S.)
Tony Richmond, ASC, BSC (U.S./Britain)
Paul René Roestad (IMAGO)
Roberto Schaefer, ASC, AIC (U.S./Italy)
Yang Shu, CSC (China)
Dante Spinotti, ASC, AIC (U.S./Italy)
Vittorio Storaro, ASC, AIC (U.S./Italy)
Dave Stump ASC (U.S.)
Lukáš Teren, ASK (Slovakia)
David Torres, AMC (Mexico)
Malte Udsen, DFF (Denmark)
Kees van Oostrum, ASC (U.S.)
Martim Vian, AIP (Portugal)
Fernando Vilanova, SVSC (El Salvador)
Harold Escotet, VSC (Venezuela)
Nigel Walters, BSC (Britain)
Jan Weinke, DFF (Denmark)
Massimo Zeri, AIC (Italy)
Zhao Xiaoding, CSC (China)